Relation, Love and Life

क्या खो कर हम क्या पाएंगे

चलो फिर से कुछ यादें बटोरली, कुछ पुरानी बातें  को  दोहरा लिया । कुछ प्यार था बाक़ी, उसको भी  बाट लिया, चलो चन्द नई यादें और बना ली । कुछ दर्द था तो चुपके से रो लिया, मगर कुछ बातें हमेशा उनकाही और अधूरी रहेंगी । एक टीस है सीने मैं वह दुखती रहेगी, एक मशाल लौह बन कर जलती रहेगी , वक़्त …

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Stay, for it’s still not time to leave. Stay, for I wish this moment would always be. Stay, for I wish to see the  light in your eyes longer. Stay, for I wish to laugh with you forever. Stay ,for you set my heart on fire. Stay ,for a part of my soul departs with you. …

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Embrace life as it Comes

Life is a reflection of infinite minuscule advents of events around us. It is an aggregate on one one hand what we know, see, observe and are familiar with on the other hand of what is unseen, unknown and unanticipated. When the convention  comes in stride we gulp it down perfectly. Absolutely no hustle & bustle.  And we are in …

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