To Fathers out there…for your daughters….

To Fathers out there…for your daughters….

Fathers give their best for their girls. Fathers love us, adore us and do everything possible in their capacities to make us happy and make our life wonderful.
Here is to the fathers- become conscious of your own gender biases that society has taught you. It would be hard but you need to challenge your own biases and work on overcoming them.
Further, you need to make sure that these societal biases do not become barriers to your kid’s dreams and have limiting beloved about herself.
Teach your daughter to chase her dreams. No matter how scary they are for you, at times you will be challenged by your beliefs and practices be prepared and open.
Have the courage to not make your own opinions and believes imposes on her.
Teach her to reason and follow her heart.
Ask her what she wants often.
Make sure you do not let the societal expectation come in her way of fulfilling her meaning and purpose in life.
You cannot always protect her from the world but you can teach her to believe in herself, follow her values and live a life full of integrity, generosity and hard work.
Teach her to not be afraid to walk the lonely path and let not your fear stop her. Teach her it’s okay to make mistakes and to learn from them.
Teach her to make choices in life and assure her that you will stand by her to support her and stand by her.
Teach her to love herself, trust herself, be compassionate towards herself.
Teach her to lead, be empathetic towards others, be kind and generous.
Teach her to be an independent, free and responsible human.

Help her to find her individuality and uniqueness.
She is looking up to you to give her the wings to take that flight of self-discovery.
Let her fall to make her brave.
It’s a mighty and difficult task and you need to do your big share of the deal towards building a society that treats accepts her as an equal.
So gear up dear father and let her fly.
