Love is giving and kind.
Love is acceptance and pouring our affection to our beloved, friend, child or even god.
It is a practice of dedication towards the lover in a space where we can truly belong, open up and share our deepest wounds, desire, thoughts, believes and strengths.
Love is a space where one is respected, cherished and understood.
Loving someone means learning to love the other the way the person would like to be loved. And not loving on our own ideas of how to love.
Love means to practice love and not just say the words.
Practising love means that it’s not just a feeling but feelings are also reflected in the behaviours.
Love is a responsibility for which both parties are equally accountable for their actions.
People around us will profess their love for us. But very will actually show their love in action.
At times in discussions around “love,” my friends share that such love does not happen or exists or fades.
But I disagree.
How come our parents or kids or siblings love does not fade out?
I believe the love that can be shown in action is the only love that I truly need in my life.
A love where I know that both of us would truly indulge in actions that show love and not just fancy words. The actions of people around us in everyday life are the reflection of their love.
Someone might not say “ I love you “ each day but has ways to show you how much respected, trusted and adored you are by their actions is love.
Lastly, a lot of times we confuse love as the role the other person plays in our life like a parent, friend, partner etc. But again the role they have in our life by default is not LOVE unless it is seen in their kindness or actions.
On the contrary, we can hold these people accountable for their love by their actions.
A lot of time I see girls around me settling for less respect, trust, affection. Why is that? Why do we settle for less love in our relationships?
Is that because we do not set high standards for ourselves? Or is it because we do not know our own true worth?
Loving someone fiercely, passionately with our heart and soul is essential but that love should transform us as well for good and teach us to love ourselves.
