Understanding GRIEF…and HEALING

Understanding GRIEF…and HEALING

When grief strikes, it strikes hard and shatters into millions of broken pieces. It hurts, it destroys and a lot of us numb those emotions to protect ourselves.
But numbing is a poison that numbs our ability to feel. So, we numb ourselves from experiencing true bliss of joy, love and happiness. Just because we do not know how to deal with grief.
I am sharing my practice of dealing with my grief (sadness). With hope, it helps you heal.
Allow yourself to feel the deep dark grief inside you. Dwell with it.

Allow yourself to go past anger and frustration and feel the sadness. Feel it flowing in and out of your body with every breathe you take. Allow yourself to recognize what is making you sad and how sad are you? Allow yourself to stay with that thought for a while.
Let those tears roll down your cheeks and let it cleanse your soul.
Accept your grief, your constraints and your limitations. Forgive yourself for having these limitations, inabilities, pains and constraints.
Tell yourself “it’s okay that I am broken, in pain and struck.”Breathe in and out for a few minutes.
Finally, when you feel a bit calmer.
Allow yourself to give a gift in form of a blessing, a thought to the ones closest to you.
It can be like the following “I am sending my blessings to my ……..for good health and peace. I wish…….great health.” Next “I am sending my love, courage and blessing to ………. May…..be healthy and happy. “
Continue this for more friends, family. people around you.
Extend it to people whom you do not know but you feel their pain or suffering.
The power of giving amidst your grief is magical. It helps visualize all the people in your mind. Giving them this blessing will make you feel the joy and love in your heart once again.
In this way allow your grief in, embrace it, accept your limitations and then by the art of giving allow yourself to experience love and joy once again.
May you have the courage to let yourself be broken and the strength to put those pieces together.
May you experience the joy and love that comes when you give way to grief and let it in.
May you heal.
#grief #emotions #acceptance #love #joy #healing #courgae #powerofgiving
