Things I wanna do before I die

Things I wanna do before I die

I  am in a pursuit to listen to my inner voice. As a kid I guess I did it very well. But since I embarked on my journey as an adult I find it so difficult to hear my inner voice. As a step towards this goal, I am making my wishlist of things I  would like to do before I die.

  1. Well first thing should be to get my Dutch driving license ( three failed attempt)
  2. Skydiving license
  3. Scuba diving trainer
  4. Become a Corporate trainer  (check)
  6. Become a Motivational speaker
  7. Work towards human development
  8. Bungee jumping at the world’s highest spots
  9. learn Spanish
  10. Do a solo art exhibition ( check 2013 )
  11. learn a foreign language ( check 2015)
  12. Run half marathon / then full marathon/triathlon
  13. Be an International  guest lecturer
  14.  Do a solo exhibition in the Netherlands
  15. Open a Creativity center
  16. Open my own company or be a director of a company 🙂
  17. Craft more often
  18. Go on a backpacking hiking trip
  19. bring my knowledge back home  to uplift education in my country
  20. 12 months 12 places challenge ( check 2018  )
  21. write a book
  22. Be a more frequent blogger
  23. Become a coach (2017 )
  24. visit every continent of the world
  25. live in a monastery for a month
  26. travel to Tibet
  27. travel to Ladakh
  28. visit the seven sisters