Take the Walk Alone…..AUTHENTICITY is your TRUE JEWEL

Take the Walk Alone…..AUTHENTICITY is your TRUE JEWEL

Take that walk alone and be okay to be out of your comfort zone. Consider it what is more valuable to you to be in your comfort zone and be liked by people? Or to be real, true to yourself, be compassionate towards yourself and your limitations and imperfections? Which is also called Authenticity in one word.
It’s tough to be authentic and to be authentic all the time is tougher. A lot of times it means you will stand alone and not be super popular for your choices. At least for me, it is a super bumpy ride and I am not always successful doing so. But when I am not myself I feel so unreal and unkind towards myself.
So even when it’s scary I choose to let myself be seen.
These days voices in my head tell me a lot about these posts I am doing “what if me posting these drawings is not liked”. “What if a large part of my friends and family dislike it? What if I upset a lot of guys who might perceive me as anti masculinity or something.” Etc. etc.
It is fearful and scary yet I embrace my vulnerability and choose to express myself out in open. This gives me a lot of fulfilment and energy.
Being authentic is making choice and a commitment to yourself to not leave your own side always bring your complete, true self out there. It means being vulnerable and having the courage to be yourself.
On the journey be authentic people around might get upset, scared or find it strange. Because the change that comes when we choose authenticity is radical, powerful and transformative.
To practice authenticity here’s is what to do:- try to stick to yourself and not hide undercover when things get tough or scary. Embrace your vulnerability and take the courage to be grounded and take your stance. Try not to worry about how people are going to react or if they will appreciate you or not.
When your goal is to be real and true to yourself and not be liked and appreciated then you will choose to be authentic. You choose to be yourself, say what you think is right without being rude, or harmful to others.
Are you the real you all the time ? #authenticity #beingreal #womenup #empoweringwomen #feminism #feminist #iam #believeinyourself #realyou
