Self Reflection and Mirror Work

Self Reflection and Mirror Work

So did you look in the mirror today ? Do you really accept and love what you see?
When I was a kid my grandmother taught me this little trick to look at my reflection in mirror each morning when I woke up. “Try to look at your reflection in the mirror the very first thing in the morning. That’s the secret to start the a great day”. And almost everyday she would ask me what did I see in the mirror and if that was the first thing I could manage to do before really looking at anything else. It was one of our play, fun, challenging and yet easy to do.
I inculcated this as an habit and it became a ritual for me without really knowing the true meaning of this exercise. Its only now that I truly realize the relevance of it and it’s impact on my life.
Its a small and yet powerful act of practicing self acceptance and self love. It helped me to build a very strong relationship with myself. To accept myself the way I am and feel the joy and gratitude of being me. I learnt to trust myself and to treat myself well.
Acceptance means to completely embrace ourselves and all parts of us. It also means being in love with ourselves, trust ourselves, treat ourselves with kindness, tenderness and respect.
Only when we truly accept, embrace and love ourself can we truly do the same to others. #selfacceptance #selfcare #selflove #empoweringwomen #reflection #empathy #kindness #powergirl #genderequality #equity #giftofimperfection #belongingness #femaleempowerment
