Redefining Courage in everyday life

Redefining Courage in everyday life

Today is for courage. For most of us courage means to take bold steps and make bold statement like putting your life on line or taking life or world changing decisions. Sometimes to prove we are courageous we get caught up in peer pressure. But courage is something that needs to be practiced in daily life. Just small little tiny act which can be fearful but still courageous. Saying no to peer pressure is courageous. Asking for help is an act of courage. Being open about a our problem and sharing it with our friend and family is act of courage. Few years back when the greatest shit the fan in my life, I did not share my story with anyone in my family for about two years or more. I bearer all the pain and suffering by self all alone. By the time I did share it, it was too late for anyone to understand what all happened to me. That was even more painful for all of us. Had I shared my story and opened up earlier my journey would have been a little bit awkward for a few days but much more easier latter. We do not need to share our story with everyone but sharing our deepest desires, pain, trouble and pains requires courage. Above all it takes courage to make choices in life when we have to stand alone for ourselves. It also takes courage to accept failure and learn from it. And to let go. Sometimes, we do not indulge conversation with someone because it might be awkward, difficult etc etc. But we need to gather ourselves and have the courage to have that talk anyway. When we see people around us doing things, acting in appropriate way or making jokes that are not appropriate may be for a person, race, gender etc it’s easier to just smile or ignore and not say anything. But it takes courage to speak our mind and say that we are not okay with it. Courage is also in the act of asking for forgiveness and forgiving someone.Every time we take courage to talk about something, share our story, ask for help or correct someone or forgive someone. We encourage people around us to do the same. Each act of courage makes us little bit better and also may the world around us a bit better.So what was the most recent act ordinary courage for you? #courage #empoweringwomen
