My dad

My dad

My dad is star of my life. Because growing older I have realized no man can do for u as much as your Dad. As a kid I broke his things, as teenage I broke his patience, as an adult elder daughter I broke his barriers, norms, believes and pushed him in corners of his own insecurities. Although, I do not regret doing any of it now.. However, even when we were on cross my dad still loved me in those differences. I pushed him off his limit, he was angry, agitated and worried several times in these years with me but he still loved me.
I know no man other than you dad who would take all my attacks on himself and still love me the same. I have always being critical of you but I have always loved you. I have always tried to cause you the least possible troubles. Trust me on that else life would be a disaster for you.
I guess this is true love right? Accepting the person with his flaws , As he or she is is. There are so many reasons for which I can complain about him and say I do not agree with him etc etc. But the truth is, there no reason to say why I still love him. Love has no reason and the bond we have is unbreakable distance, fights, differences nothing can change it ever Dad.
