Learning to set boundaries:- What does it even mean ?

Learning to set boundaries:- What does it even mean ?

Are those boundaries working for you? Boundaries are one the most crucial tool for any relationship, friendship, family, partner or kid. But quite often we forget to maintain them well and stand strong for our boundaries as we do not want to make people unhappy or be mean to them. But this behaviour soon leads us to space where everyone is happy on our cost.
Setting boundary starts with first being aware of what are your boundaries? Is it only when you are verbally abused or is it when you are physically abused?
For some boundary also looks like it was just one slap (so not big enough problem). But these are not healthy boundaries these are crimes in some cultures.
Boundaries look like I need to sleep on time can you clean up?“ I cannot do this for you because Its my gym time”. Boundary means knowing when to say yes or no (unapologetically) both at home and at work.
1. Be aware of where you stand.
2. Communicate verbally and clearly your boundaries.
3. Tie it up with action.
I know women who repeatedly verbally communicate boundaries but never tie it up with action. Which gives people around all the reasons to keep crossing their boundaries and they powerlessly allow it.
Whether it is that hobby you are ignoring, or sharing of responsibility, household work or any kind of mental or physical form unpleasant behaviour which btw can be abuse. Is only because your boundary is not clearly set and communicated. Or your boundary is not backed by any kind of action, follow up or consequences.
Often women are judged “ what kind of girl, mother or partner you are to do this”. Remember no one has the right to say that to you.
Do not be afraid to set boundaries, choose for yourself and have the courage to take action #womenup #boundaries #feminisim #empoweringwomen #genderequality #respectyourself
