On the Journey of Finding MySelf

On the Journey of Finding MySelf

Its been long since I have been in an quest of discovering who I really am. Sometimes I feel I am  business professional. Other times, I view myself as a creative thinker, learner  and artist ( Because I paint every now and then).

If I use keywords to describe  myself the list is too broad:- marketeer,   lecturer, feminist , female,  woman,  wife,  lover,  creative, homemaker, human. Drawing a line which joins all these aspects is difficult and describing it in a few words almost seems impossible for me. But to be precise the quest is not of “Who am I? ” rather “which one is me?  “.

I find my head cluttered with the concepts of , what I really want to be and this forbids me to clearly see who I  really am. With years of  being told what should   between social norms, family  , friends and partners describing me. I see the image of me is a disillusioned one.  The sketch that I draw for myself is blurred. Often I find my self amidst how others define me and see me rather than how I would like to define myself and be.

Some friends call this my self retrospection. But it is not it! It is an attempt to open that window which is still like a Blind spot. Apart of real me which is still hidden under layers of blankets, and just refuses to reveal  itself out. Needs to come out of me to realize were my true happiness lies. And whats its true potential is.

Today,  when I am at juncture to say  goodbye to my 20’s and join the lovely thirties,  I  think its high time for me to identify out of all the cuisines that I have had, which suits my palate the most . Which one of me is the true me.

They day its figured out and answered  this journey would end and a new one  would begin. I am waiting eagerly for the true me to unfold.

If you have any comments or suggestions for me feel free to drop your comments

