Don’t Chase Perfection, you are DIVINE “JUST HOW YOUR ARE”.

Don’t Chase Perfection, you are DIVINE “JUST HOW YOUR ARE”.

Allow yourself to be a little bit broken and a little bit imperfect. That’s when the energy flows through:
Each of us is chasing perfectionism in some way or the other. We want to look, live and deliver work all perfect. But perfectionism remains and will always be unattainable. Why? Because there is nothing that can be perfect and therefore there is no need to chase it. Chasing perfectionism is like fighting a battle that is never going to end. So why are we seeking it? Because we do not want to fail. But wait go deeper why don’t we want to fail?
That’s because of shame, judgement and fear.
The more we strive to lead a perfect life the more difficult, stressful and painful it’s going to be because every time we will make a mistake we will not be kind towards our self and judge ourselves.
Take a minute and think about what perfection means to you and in what aspect of life are you suffering just because you do not fit the idea of perfection? Is it work, your body, relationship or something else?

Women often strive for perfectionism. That’s because we as from very young ages have been trained to meet expectations, make everyone happy and indulge inappropriate behaviours. The idea of being a perfect female looks like having a successful partner and then kids. After that, it looks like being able to take care of everyone and everything at home while managing work and kids at the same. On top of it, you need to continue to look pretty and maintain a good shape. Without being too emotional or complaining about stuff etc. etc. (I can make a more detailed extensive list). This way of living is exhaustive.
Let’s try to let go of this idea that we can be perfect. This makes our life easier, allows us to make mistakes and learn from them. We should allow ourselves to do things in our own way with our own choices. And maybe it will all not go as it should or as planned but that’s “perfectly” fine. The more we allow ourselves to make mistakes and have those cracks the more light enters the darkness of our soul. The more beautiful and unique we become.
