Connection:- What it means to you

Connection:- What it means to you

Connection is something that we as human beings need the most. It does not matter what your personality type is, if you are an introvert or an extrovert we all need connection. We often focus on building connection in a romantic relationship and invest a lot in finding that right one and keeping them forever. Nothing wrong with that honestly I have done that myself but developing deep connection with other family members and friends is often ignored or at least this takes a back seat for many of us. However, researchers suggest that at any given time we must have at-least4- 5 people with whom we feel deeply connected and can talk about anything without any filter or secrecy. These act as 5 support or safety pillar in life.
Another thing that is important is to understand connection itself. We often accept a relationship and are happy to have one than really having a yardstick to measure it. Of course we will never have a scale to measure connection. But we can certainly measure which relationship has connection and which one doesn’t. I personally know several women who are either my friends or my coaches who feel constantly under the pressure of proving themselves to be a good girl, friend, daughter, partner worker or even a mother. While they constantly feel lonely, not heard, seen or accepted for who they really are and what they really desire. Most of them know something is wrong but fail to pin point what it is.
What is wrong is that the relationship lacks connection. Connection is when we feel seen, heard, valued, when we feel not judged or evaluated. Where we do not feel the need to prove ourselves. Are there relationships (4-5) in your life which give you the strength, energy and power to continue with the hardship in life in your own way? Where you feel seen, heard and cherished for who you are? If your answer is yes then consider yourself to be super lucky and grateful. And if your answer is no then may be it’s time to change something. #empoweringwomen #connection #genderequality #feminist #womenempowering
