Care and Womenhood

Care and Womenhood

Care: Women across cultures are bestowed upon the duty to be the caregiver and nurturer. And we are good at it. I as a female really am proud of my ability to take care of others. But I never really knew how to take care of myself. So all my care giving did not bring me happiness. And over the course of my life, in spite of taking a lot of care of others. I never received the care I expected from others. This made me extremely unhappy. But what I realized was that I was in the way of my own happiness. We as females in the process of care giving forget that taking care of ourselves is the most important things to do. Nobody said that to us. Most of us did not see females around us doing that. So we never learnt. Irony is that If we do not take care of ourselves, we cannot have the energy and strength to rejuvenate and give our best to the ones we love. Wondering how to do this ?
Setting boundary is a great tool to learn to take good care of ourselves and it helps our friends, families and kids to take care of us on our conditions. Not on their mercy, will or what suits them. To set clear boundaries means to clearly say what’s okay and what is not. It also means to say NO. It means to say “I won’t agree to that”. “I do accept that”. “That’s hurts me and my feeling” and “that’s not okay”. We all know what is okay and what is not.
But what we we forget to do is stand on that line and say that’s my boundary and you are not crossing that no matter what and I am not moving back. It is we who make that line blurry for ourselves and for others around. Once the boundary is blurry that’s when we create a irreversible chain of events.
However, when we stand strongly on that line without self doubt and complete respect for ourselves we will learn to take care of ourselves.
That’s true #empowerment
That’s when we can be truly equal. #respectboundaries#learntodrawtheline#selfcare#selfcompassion#womehood#femaleempowerment#empowerment#genderparity#genderequality
