Be Goofy…Embrace Play and HAVE FUN WOMAN

Be Goofy…Embrace Play and HAVE FUN WOMAN

Well, today for having some fun. When I was 23-24 years old I was told “Aditi we are grown-ups do not behave like a 16-year-old. Now you have grown up you have responsibilities and be mature.”


Guess what I did. I am 30 +++ something and I still behave like a 16-year-old.
We do not need to act like certain years old for god sake. Of course! We have responsibilities and shit to move but that does not mean we have to keep carrying the burden on our shoulders all the time.
Maturity does not mean to sulk all the time.
Life will always have trouble, problems blah blah blah blah… one thing should always be there do not forget to have some fun.
So cheers to life, to fun and to joy.
It takes courage to allow yourself to smile and feel happy for some bits and pieces and moments despite all the craziness around. (Of course not applicable at all times)
But for most of it, one can. For me, I worked crazy hard today and someone asked me to go shopping.
So I am off. (Btw those who do not know I love window shopping it’s my favourite stress buster. )
Try it! #joy #fun #happiness #courage #womenup #empoweringwomen #femenine #femimineenergy #empowerment #love #life #cheers
