The future calls for Creativity, Courage and Compassion – from Individuals, Teams and Organisations

How can we help you?

How will it help you?

Research shows that working towards empowering teams, celebrating diversity and fostering inclusion leads to

We do this by providing one of these services.

Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Strategy

We work closely with you to help develop an approach towards diversity, inclusion and belonging based on your organisational needs and requirements. Keep in mind that we believe in customised approaches. All of our services and training programs can be mixed and matched.

Service 1

Service 2

Service 3

Training and Workshops

We provide customised training programs on the following topics, which can vary between 2 hours and 2 days depending on your goals and needs. Get in touch with us to know more about any of these training options:

Public Speaking, Moderation and Masterclass

Aditi shares her story and shares concepts as follows:

Our Framework

Our framework consists of three pillars – Creativity, Courage and Compassion – and each pillar influences at three diverse levels within an organisation: Individual, Team and Organisation. We impact about 23 skills through our framework which builds strong foundations in the organisation's inner development.. The framework is based on extensive research and consultation done with international organisations, teams, and individuals working in these organisations as well as proven tools of skill building and concept. Further, the research is based on two important frameworks, which are crucial for future 21st-century skills and inner development goals.




Our Approach

Our Methodology

Our methodology is a 7-step process called Saruta (meaning “belonging to that which is heard”) developed by Aditi Gupta. She has performed and used this 7-step process across various teams and groups. This process is developed based on her work and extensive research on 21st-century skills and sustainable development goals in collaboration with various research institutes, universities and international organisations. During this journey, Aditi has collaborated with people and communities of diverse talents, values and beliefs to empower them, build their creative confidence and work on their transformation.

It is an interactive workshop that brings together individuals’ infinite potentiality, meaning, storytelling, symbols, rituals, and values. Through a powerful courageous, creative, and compassionate process. Various art mediums are used to build an immersive experience of self-representation and collective redefinition. The process aims to reclaim and reopen blocked spaces among people and proclaim a shared safe and sacred meaning of a future they would like to create collectively.

A future that includes the self, others, and the entire collective. Where each one can experience true BELONGING.